JULy 31, 2022
Good afternoon to all of my people! I hope that you are all enjoying your last few weeks of summer. i know it is kind of hard to think that many of us go back “THIS WEEK”. Or others in the upcoming weeks. My parents always talk about how their summers used to last through Labor Day. Is it just me is do you think they still should be this long. However, I can say I am slightly ready to go back. I miss the routine, schedule, and all the unknowns a new school year brings. But don’t think it doesn’t bring me some nerves as well. I don’t even know why I still get a little anxious when the new school year comes around, I mean for real this is what my 13TH year of doing this. I do think that back to school nerves are something everyone has to a certain extend. I mean lets be real, a new load of classes, possible homework, grades, friends, drama, etc. School is jammed full of so many different experiences that it has to make us feel a little uneasy sometimes. Especially coming out of summer where you can sleep in, eat all the junk food, watch as much TV as you want, stay up late, and probably even more crazy ideas. Therefore today I want to talk about how to ease these worries. Now some of you are probably thinking, well I don’t go to school but please I beg you to stay for the remainder of this update. Learning new ways to cope with your fears is something everyone whether you are past school or not can benefit from knowing.
Anxiety is a very complicated term. it can mean so many different things to each of us. Some may see anxiety as the butterflies you get in your stomach before a test and others may see anxiety as a life altering “pain” that withholds them from doing something. Anxiety has many levels and not everyone struggles with the higher levels because they know how to cope with their worries. But I am hear to tell you, I have struggled with them. And as difficult as it is, we must remember that ultimately we are not in control. We can do all the worrying, crying, and stressing that we are capable of but in reality all these emotions we feel will not change God’s plan. I am not saying God is going to let you out the easy way because trust me, trials are what makes us grow in our faith. God wants us to experience times when we realize that He is all we’ve got. This is when our minds will open to the idea that we are no longer in control of the situation and we must give our all up to him.
So I challenge you this week, whether you are returning to school, starting a new job, or doing anything that makes you anxious to remind yourself who is holding our lives in their hands. It is their Father and He has the perfect plan set our for you and me both. It isn’t going to be easy, but trust Him in the highs and lows of life because I promise you He will never forsake you.
I love you all so much and am here for each and every person reading this update today. Feel free to email me any questions, comments, or concerns. We are in this life together!
July 24, 2022
Hey guys! How has your week been! Busy, slow, exciting, or boring? My week has been all over the place. Let me just tell you, between getting ready to go back to school (which I have to say, it is so difficult to shop for clothes that meet dress code. I mean let’s be real, who wants to wear jeans in the 100 degree heat? I know I don’t.) spending time in the sun which is always fun until the heat exhaustion hits you and your left dragging lol, and babysitting I am so wore out. Then to top all that off, I was reminded today by a ad of my phone that school starts in twelve days. Crazy right it is so weird to think that I will be going into my junior year and will be turning 17 in a couple weeks. Is it just me or does it feel like the older I get the faster time flies and the more I want to just slow down. However, I am thankful for all the memories and craziness of me, my family, my friends, and just my entire life because to say the least I am sure you have caught on to the fact that I am a hot mess!
Anywho, I have been praying this week for God to make it known to me what He wanted for me to post about today because to be honest, it is something I struggle with a lot. All throughout the week I will have instances or reminders and I will think to myself, what a great topic for an update. Then Sunday rolls around and my mind goes blank. Which is why this week, I want to try something a little different. Instead of me giving you some advice, I want you to think back on your week. What things did you do? What challenges did you overcome? What trials did you face? On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the best, how was your week as a whole? Now ask yourself, what could you have done to make it reach that 10? Now let me be clear, ten is not perfect but just about as close to it as you can get! Maybe you could of remembered that one errand you forgot, or thought about what you were saying before you said it, maybe it is more about changing your mindset and being more positive, or here is a different one what if you did more thanking God rather than asking. If you cannot tell, these are all things I could have done this week that would’ve definitely made that weekly rating go up. But after doing this, I have a list of what I need to do next week to make it even better.
This may sound like a uneventful exercise but it really is eye opening to look back on your week. I really hope you will do this and find the things you could’ve done differently. I hope this update will bring you some encouragement for the week to come and please do me a favor and email me some ideas about posts you would like for me to dive into! I pray that you would all have a fantastic week and let me know if you ever need anything!
July 17, 2022
Good morning! It feels like it has been a while since last update. I don’t know about you, but this past week was one of no down time for me. We went on our annual lake trip with all of our closest friends and it was a blast. Between jumping off the dock, swimming, tubing, wakeboarding, and more we had such a good time as we do each year. However, by the end of the seven days we are all together, I think it is safe to say we are all ready to return home. For me especially being such a routine person, I am ready by day five lol. Anyways, I am so thankful my family has the opportunity to do fun trips like this and more than the trip itself, I am so blessed to have all the memories of this annual trip engraved forever in my mind. I am glad to say that was our last vacation of the summer, so now it is time to enjoy the last few weeks before we return to school. To be honest, I am ready to go back. For me, school is exciting, I love the friends, routines, clubs, and more than anything football season! Speaking of, I saw a post on instagram just yesterday saying that kickoff is in less than 50 days. That is so crazy to me because it feels like it was just New Year’s Eve. Time sure does fly when you are busy!
While school does bring so excitement, others may feel a since of nerves when this topic is brought up. And don’t let me fool you, I also get nervous thinking about going back. I think we feel this way because of all the unexpected. A new school year means new teachers, friends, content, and overall just a new way of life. This can be scary for many but it is so important that we remember how to face these nerves. I combat these feelings by asking myself, “What can I do the change the situation?” The truth is, I cannot stop time or go back to life before I was in school. No matter how worried I am, I am going to have to face the situation, therefore it is up to me and my mindset. We have two options, we can bask in the uncertainty and worry and get nowhere. Or we can pray and ask God to give us a positive outlook on what is to come. Just think, nerves are all a result of our mindset so, if we “look from another angle” or change our perspective we can combat or fight these scary feelings. I challenge you to try this. It does not have to be surrounding school, but any trial or circumstance that makes you anxious. God can work magic when it comes to our anxieties if we make our need for Him known.
I pray that this will help you in the upcoming weeks and that if you are ever struggling with your mindset, don’t ever hesitate to email me. I would love to help you see the positives and walk with you through your challenges. Remember, I am here for you all and no matter what no ones issues are bigger than God. Stay strong everyone and please come back next week for another post!
BTW - I have several B3 boxes that are being sent tomorrow and I would love to send one out for you or a friend of yours. It is super easy all you have to do it go the the B3 Box tab at the top of the page and submit a form. Totally free of charge. I encourage you to do this today! Have an amazing week and I will talk to you all next week!
July 9, 2022
Hey everyone, I pray you all had a great week celebrating the fourth with family and friends. It was definitely a crazy week for me, between the 20 of us crammed into one cabin, activities planned for each day, dogs running all over, and so much more, it is an understatement to say we were all worn out. (FYI, if you haven’t read the last update your probably a little lost. Just to catch you up, we go to the mountains with all my extended family each year for the Fourth of July.) However, I can’t leave out the fact that we all had such a good time together. Like I said last week, we very rarely all get together so it is great to all be in one spot and spend time with each other. It is so crazy to me how much we have all changed. I remember going up to the mountains when I was just starting to walk and to see how grown up we all are now is mind blowing. It is also eye opening to see how God’s plan for each of us is so different yet all of our paths have a purpose. So just to add on to all the craziness of our summer, today we leave for our annual lake trip with a bunch of friends. Each year we rent a lake house and spend several nights together; boating, laughing, eating, and just having a good time. I look forward to this trip every year because whenever we all there at the house, it seems as if nobody has a care in the world and we are all just living in the moment. So I am super excited to pack up and head out in just a few hours.
Besides from all that has been happening travel wise, I wanted to let you all know how good God is. Last night, me and my family experienced a argument that in that moment resulted in me shedding a few tears and lots of difficult emotions being expressed by me, my parents, and my siblings. However, after just a few seconds, we started to talk. We all explained how we as a family unintentionally had been trying to shelter in our feelings. Good and bad, we all have been so busy with life that we have been keeping lots emotions, thoughts, and feelings to ourselves. Which as many of you who know my story know can result in devastation. After last night we all were able to come to agreement that we needed to be more open and honest with each other. Although this can be scary it really truly is helpful. I know for me personally, by blogging each week, it gives me the opportunity to just share what I am going through and it honestly feels so good to get it out. I fully believe that God planned for us to have our little “falling out” last night to give us no option but to confront how we were all feeling. It was so good that we had the talk we did and I praise God for walking us through yesterday.
I tell you all this to encourage you. Find your people. It may be ten and it may be one but really find someone you can exchange feelings with. It will be so beneficial to both you and them. I hope you do this and see the results I see. I hope that you all have a great week and I look forward to seeing you next!
July 1, 2022
Good afternoon! Happy first of the month! I pray that you have all had a good week and are ready as I am to go into the weekend. I don’t know about you, but there is something about starting over that brings me so much peace. Knowing that come Sunday, it will be a brand new start makes me so happy and really encourages me to make that new week the best yet. I’m not sure if I have told you all this in the past but I pray for each of you daily. It is part of my routine each night that when I get in my shower I pray. It is time I spend alone and am really able to focus and see what Christ is doing in my life. I end every prayer with “Christ use me”. I want Him to use me to do any and everything to honor him and help other people. I pray that God would remove my hands from the steering wheel of life and that I would freely lay down all of me for Him. I know that this is all much easier said than done. I can pray this all I want but it is a totally different task when I actually put the work in. I find myself daily wanting to take the reigns on life and “go my own way” but I have to remind myself (or sometimes be reminded) that life isn’t all about Gracie and to be completely honest, I do not know what is best for myself. This common goal in life is something that we have to constantly be reminding ourselves of because as humans we like to try and be in control even when deep down we know that life is out of our hands and all in the hands of God.
There is a two verses in Psalm 31 that perfectly sum up all of this. It is Psalm 31:14-15 “”But as for me, I trust in you, O Lord; I say, “You are my God.” My times are in your hands; deliver me from the hands of my enemies and from those who persecute me.”” I will be honest with you, I am not very good at memorizing verses word for word. In fact, I had to look this one up however, after reading it I really want to have it with me at all times because it is so good. Maybe that will be my goal this week!
Now lets step to the side and get real, how are you? Personally in a way I am ready to go back to school. I miss the routine of school and I am such a homebody that once I go away for a few days, I want to be back to my norm for at least three weeks to catch up. HAHAHAHAHA once again. Even my family sees when I am ready to be back home and let’s just say they are not afraid to make comments about it! Y’all I swear I notice it more and more every day I am so high maintenance. I really need to work on that lol. I tell myself I am going to but it is just so hard. Be honest with me, I’m not the only one, everyone likes things to go their way the difference is to what extent you take it. In which my family would definitely say I usually take a little too far. Ok well now I need to stop ranting! Really hope you all have a good weekend and a great time celebrating the 4th! Enjoy the friends, family, fireworks, and food and please come back for my update next week. Also while you are all out and about this week, I challenge you to find one person to submit a B3 Box form for. Come on I’m not asking much just type in a few details and be the light of somebodies day! Love you guys!!