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 March 28, 2021


       Good morning y’all! I pray that you have all had a great week. This week instead of doing a lesson, I really just wanted a second to get real with all of you. I am a full believer that hard times should not be “sugar coated” what we go through is exactly how it should be told. I think sometimes when others look at me they get this internal feeling that I am 100% recovered, practically living on top of the world. I know that I do this very often with other people who have seem to overcome imaginable experiences, maybe a cancer survivor, a recovered addict, an abuse victim, or simply someone who became stronger because of what they have faced. However, I am here to tell each and every one of you that I still struggle.

      I wake up daily and must remind myself who I am living for and why I have been placed here on this Earth. I still face trials, ups and downs of everyday life that leave me feeling all sorts of ways. I want you to realize that I too struggle. These trials and difficult times we face are what molds us into who we are today. All I have to do to be reminded of this concept is simply look back to the summer of 2018. This time my family faced that forever changed who and what we were living for. If we wouldn’t have gone through this, then Bounceback Beautifully would have never became a thing. I praise God each and every single day for the mountains and valleys we cross because as hard as the lowest of lows can feel, opening up and sharing those experiences can save the lives of others going through similar things. In the midst of these trials it can feel like forever, hours ever like days and days feel like years. It is as if we are never going to come out of the hole we have found ourselves stuck in. It isn’t until we overcome and God places us above these times that we come to the realization that it was just a very small bump in the road. We must look past these things and remember that God is in control. He reigns above all else and all that happens to us is just a part of His ultimate plan.

      So maybe you are in a valley today or maybe God just removed you from one, or just maybe he is preparing you for something that is soon to come. Whatever it might be, always remember that  God is watching over you and He is not going to let anything happen that wasn’t meant to be. I love all of you so much and I hope that this really sticks with you throughout this new week. Stay strong and don’t give up, you will get through this and come out stronger on the other side. Please let me know if you need anything.  Even if it is just someone you need to talk too, I am always here for you and more than willing to talk, just shoot me an email. Also, Easter is just one week away and what better way to gift someone than sending them a B3 Box. Fill out the form and I will get it there by Easter. See you all next week!!! 


March 21, 2021


      Good afternoon ya’ll! I pray that you all had a safe and productive week and have been looking forward to the new update this week. I still cannot get over the fact that we are only two weeks away from Easter. It just amazes me that while the past year has felt so extensive and drawn out yet at the same time, it has past in the blink of an eye. I feel like just yesterday we were all asking ourselves what even is COVID-19 and now it’s as if our entire lives revolve around it. Anyways, I missed you all and am so thankful God spoke to me about this weeks update because usually I have some sort of a plan by the middle of Wednesday as to what I’m going to share but honestly, this week has just been a real push and I had no idea on what to update until I rolled out of bed this morning. So I am going to go ahead a pray that this message comes across to you as strong and relevant as it did to me. I am going to be reading out of the many different parts of the Bible. The topic this week is Inclusion. You might be asking yourself what all this includes but don’t worry we are going to break it down. When is the last time you felt rejected? Maybe you switched to a new school, church, or gym class. Maybe you went out with some friends for the first time. Maybe you wore the wrong outfit or couldn’t find clothes that fit the latest trends. Whatever it may be, we all face rejection, shame, and embarrassment every day of our lives. It’s so common we sometimes don’t even recognize that we are feeling this way. As sinners, we tend to focus more on our outerly attributes rather than the important stuff that of which is on the inside. 


       God created each and every one of us in our own unique way. No two people have the same appearance and personality. We all have things that make you YOU and that is exactly how God intended it to be. However, some of these things that are different on each person can bring awkward and uneasy feelings to us. When we doubt or put ourselves down about these characteristics, we are pushing away our identities in Christ. Instead of looking at someone differently whether it be someone else or yourself, we should look to each other and see our similarities and united being in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:28 states that, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male or female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Now this is not to say that you shouldn’t be proud and thankful for your differences yet we should remember that God calls us all to include each other. He never meant for humans to feel or be alone. That is why God gave Adam the gift of a spouse in the Garden of Eden. We are called to take in and embrace everyones similarities and differences and use them for the glory of God. Read Romans 12:15-18. God calls us to never leave one person out because of their variation. Therefore, I remind you today, treat everyone the way you want to be treated. 


      You know exactly how it feels to feel rejected so I challenge you to include all. Don’t pick and choose, invite them all. I pray that this short lesson would really just stick with you and you will be reminded of this daily. I love you all so much and thank you for coming back this week. Let me know if I can do anything for anyone and have a great week! 


March 14, 2021

      Hey everyone! I pray that you all have had a wonderful week and have been waiting and ready for this weeks update. I kind of had a harder time deciding on which lesson I wanted to share from the Bible study “Delight” that I am doing right now. It is just that all of them spoke to me this week so I really encourage you to complete this study as well. Anyways, I hope that after last weeks post, you all were able to really find the delight in the positives and negatives of your everyday life. As difficult as it can be, we must embrace all that God has planned for us. These things can be easily appreciated, or it can sometimes feel nearly impossible. However, we must remember that we can only see a small portion of Gods big unique picture for you and me both. This is exactly why prayer is so very important. Pray and talk with God is the only thing that can ALWAYS get us through the difficulties we face in life. So, praise and thank Him today for his dedication and love shed on you and me. 


      This week I want to focus on Psalm 8. What is the first thing that comes to mind when you read this chapter? For me it is just all the amazing things God has done and is doing. He is truly amazing, astonishing, and just irreplaceable. No one can even being to compare to the greatness of our God. Chapter 8 is an exaltation of his power and majesty. He created you and me from this amazing power He carries with Him. We are all created in His image and no body can take this away from us. It is crazy to think that all of mankind was and is designed by God. As 2 Corinthians states, we are a mirroring resemblance of Him. There are many ways that we are similar to God. Our communication, our creativity, our pursuing spirit, and our responsibilities. Now, this does not mean that we use all of these characteristics for the right things because as we all know, we are all sinners. This intimate relationship with humankind and God was cut off because of the Fall which happened in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3). But because of Gods love and are for us, He sent His only son to die for you and me so that we can recover this lost relationship. So I ask you, Do you have this personal connection with the Creator? His reflection can be shown in us and this is how we can spread the great news of the Gospel. Everywhere you go and everyone you come in contact with is effected by your actions. Whether they are good or bad, remember that you are reflecting God. So, as you go about this new week, I challenge you to be sure to remind yourself that people are watching and you could be playing a large part in the salvation of another Christ follower. 


      I pray that this weeks update would turn your hearts and really just encourage you to watch and learn from your behaviors as well as the others around you. I am so blessed that you continue coming back to read more and I ask that God would use this ministry as an opportunity to gain more believers. Please continue to spread the word and fill out B3 box forms so that we can share more of Christ love. Have an amazing week and I will see you all on Sunday! 




 March 7, 2021

      Good morning! It's already March! I hope that you all had a very productive week and really tried to live it in light of the Lord. I’m super excited to share this weeks update with you because I recently began a new bible study that I feel like each and every person can benefit from reading. If you want to come along side me in this study, I recommend that you go out and purchase the study book. It is a great way to hold yourself accountable and make sure you are getting time with the Lord each day. I do mine daily each morning I wake up. It only takes about 10 minutes but let me just say that it is the best 10 minutes of my day and it really just prepares me for what the day is going to bring. The study is called “Delight A Walk Through The Pslams” by Kristin Schmucker. Each week, you have five days to complete and every day you are assigned to read one Pslam. I know this sounds like a lot but just trust me, it will leave you wanting even more.


     This morning, I read Psalm 5, the title of this lesson was “I will wait”. In Psalm 5, David is writing a prayer to the Lord during a extremely difficult time in his life. We are not clearly given what this situation was however we do know that it was a tough one. We as Christians are called to come the Christ with the same urgency and assurance as David. David approached God with a troubled heart knowing that whatever he was facing was going to be taken care of in the best way possible. David reached out because he no longer knew what to do or what was coming. Yet, he trusted Christ to take control because God is the only one who can see our whole entire lives ahead of us. (Side Note: It beyond amazes me to know that God already has our entire lives planed out. While we don’t even know what is to happen in the next five minutes, God knows what will happen fifty years from now.) Now, David is not telling us to only reach out to God in trying times, but also in those times we feel like rejoicing. We shouldn’t plead only for the hard things, and we definitely shouldn’t ask God for our own ways. We need to ask his to lead and guide us in the exact way he has planned. So now I ask you, How are you coming to God? With expectance or just not really knowing? Do you trust that God hears you? After reading Pslam 5, what have you learned about prayer? Are you going to rejoice in Christ? 


     I pray that this would really just run in your heart and really just challenge you to think about your prayers. Prayer is amongst the most powerful things in the world and it is also our one way, anytime communication with our creator. Find gladness in the power of prayer and don’t ever thing God isn’t listening. I love you all so much and will be lifting each and everyone of you up in my own prayer. Have an amazing week and I will see you soon! Let me know if I can do anything for you and please fill out B3 box forms whenever you get the opportunity. 

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