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May 30, 2022

Good afternoon! I hope you have all had a good week. This has been the first week of summer for me and so today I am writing you from Costa Rica! It is our fifth day here and to be honest, I’m ready to be home. I have had such an amazing time with my family and being able to experience the different culture/vibes of another country. We have gone zip lining, tubing, learned how to surf, and seen so many cool animals. My favorite being a sloth! 


Through this trip, I have come to the conclusion that perspective is key. Most of you know from my past posts and things that I am a very big homebody. If someone asked me where I would want to be for the rest of my life here on earth, I with no doubt would say home. It is my safe place and I am not ashamed of that. Even my friends know that I am not one to spend the night at anyone else’s house unless I am with my family. There is something about being in my own bed and following my nightly rituals that simply calm me down and make me at peace. Your probably laughing but it is true, ask anyone in my family. 

Therefore, walking into this vacation being the longest trip we have taken, I was fairly nervous about it. I knew I would probably be uncomfortable and want to be back home so I prayed. I prayed that God would give me the ability to fully enjoy this trip without being overwhelmed with the unpredictable. I have tried my best to do just that. And have noticed by loosening up and in trying too just “going with the flow”, I have started to see that if I am open minded and willing to accept the change for a little while, I can enjoy so much more. While yes, I do miss home, I am so excited to see what the upcoming days of vacation hold and in the end I find comfort in knowing that I will be back home soon. I am so thankful God allowed me to see this and I really pray that this would bring light to your lives. I know for a fact everyone struggles with finding the right perspective or seeking the right outlook on life. However, the reality is, God already knows the outcome so it is up to us what we make of it. 


I challenge you this week that as circumstances or events come up that leave you feeling a little uneasy, I want you to really dial in and focus on your perspective. Are you expecting it to go poorly? If this is the case, change your mindset and pray that God would give you the ability to see growth through this experience. Like I say quite often, there is a reason for everything and what we make of it is up to us. I love you so much and I really hope you have a great start to your summer! Please let me know if I can help you with anything and be sure to submit B3 boxes for those you love. See ya next week! 



May 22, 2022


When I started Bounceback Beautifully almost three years ago, I never imagined God had this much in store for me. I remember being so proud of myself and all I had accomplished, praising God for the amazing story He had gifted me to share and the recovery that I was able to seek Him through. However, I want to be fully honest with you all because my blog is my way of journaling! LOL! You are all literally reading my unedited open ended thoughts. Yet, I feel like you are all some of my biggest supporters just as I am yours. We can hold each other accountable and be fully honest right? Anyways, to get to the point the past couple of weeks I have really been struggling to be content with where the Lord has placed me. I have found myself questioning why I am not receiving more box forms, why more speaking opportunities haven’t opened up, why it feels like I am failing at being a fully devoted example of Christ. I look around and blame myself for the fact that more people aren’t reading my updates or coming to me for help. I get so in my head that I am not doing “good enough” for God or that I am missing something. I have prayed and prayed that God would show me what this is that I am overlooking but haven’t yet gotten a definite answer. This can be so relatable I think to so many people. We all pray things on a daily basis, fervently and we become discouraged when the answer is not pointed out in bright yellow letters. 


After thinking about it deeply last night as I laid on the couch while babysitting, something became so apparent to me. The Lord answered me at the most unexpected time. I had this quick realization that all of these self depleting, negative thoughts I have been having are a strait shot from the devil himself. He is trying to use these feelings of inaccuracy as a way to get me to stop being an example. The truth is, the devil is trying to take control of our minds and it is quite often that he does before we can stop it. This is where it is so important that we have scripture and truth in bedded within us to combat all the feelings the devil try’s to shove to the forefront of our minds. I want you to really think about it for a second. It could be right this second or maybe earlier today but, when was the last time you had a feeling of hopelessness? It could be a grade, relationship, job, task, etc. Now ask yourself, how could the devil be using those thoughts to stop you from being a disciple of Christ. His main goal is to move us as far away from the Lord as possible and he does this by edging at our more vulnerable feelings. So, as a way to fight these devilish ideas away below I am going to list a few of my battle verses! 


  • Exodus 14:14 The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be still. 

  • Deuteronomy 20:4 For the Lord your God is he who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies, to give you the victory. 

  • Psalm 34:17 When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles.

And my favorite of all 

  • James 4:7 Submit yourselves therefor esto God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. 


I pray that this week you will be strong and courageous and not listen to any of the lies you hear. Cut them off with on of the truths Christ speaks. God is so much stronger than anything the devil can place in our lives. Find hope in this truth and never loose sight of the greatness of our God. I love you all so much and please know that I am standing with open arms ready to help you in any way possible. Please submit B3 box forms for yourself and loved ones if you could use a pick me up. Have an amazing week! 





May 15, 2022

Good afternoon! How are you? But for real, how are you really doing? Maybe you have had a hard day or possibly week! For me, this week has gone by fast and slow at the same time. Fast in the since that we have had testing all week long which means leaving school early and getting to school late. But super slow in the fact that we are in the homestretch of school and I cannot wait for summer. Also this week has been a mix of good days and not so great! I got to share my testimony at a community conversation which was very rewarding and I was able to spread or tell new people about BBB! However, with testing and just yesterday having an argument in my family there has certainly been some downsides. But as I sit here and write this, it reminds me how if these “issues” are the biggest of my week, then I’d say I have had a positive week altogether! 


This week I want to focus on something that has hit close to home recently for me. That being sin. Now I’m not saying I have been more disobedient this week in particular but it has been more of the idea and questions of how Christ sees my wrongdoing. I find myself guilty a lot of times and unable to forgive myself when I mess up. And it is so difficult for me to wrap my head around the truth that no matter how bad I mess up, God will always love me. This is the same for you! 


I started thinking about it this week, after I said something to someone that was not very respectful. As soon as the words came out of my mouth, I knew I had done something wrong. Not necessarily something that would affect everyone, but something that was not fitting for the situation I was in. That day I found myself in a constant battle in my mind saying that God was not gonna be able to forgive me for what I said. I prayed multiple times throughout the day begging that I would feel at peace knowing that God offers us forgiveness. However, I just could not seem to accept it. Then I remember Thursday night I was busy making B3 boxes for a few people. And each of the boxes, I include a verse randomly chosen out of a box. The first verse I happen to pick up was Ephesians 4:32. It says, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as Christ forgave you.” Right then I had a indescribable feeling of relief. After an entire day of being down on myself and consistently reminding myself of how I messed up, I finally felt clear. 


Now as I look back, I so wish I would have thought of those words earlier in the day. Which only gives me the drive to be in The Word more often. God has the answers to everything. I can promise you, that if you read the Bible you will find the answers to any situation we will face on this earth. Knowing this should give you a trust and a faith like no other. I’m encourageing you this week, to remember the truth about sin, WE ARE FORGIVEN! And also, I challenge you to memorize at least one scripture this week. A verse to not forget. It doesn’t have to be word for word, but store a general overview of this truth Christ speaks in your mind at all times. I love you all so much! Have a fantastic week! 


May 8, 2022

Happy Mother’s Day! I know this day can bring about many different emotions for everyone but just take today to honor and thank all of the women in your life that have a positive impact on you. This could be a coworker, teacher, group leader, etc. Anyways, I hope that you have had a great week and have been ready for today’s update. To be completely transparent, I usually have my updates planned out and this week I did not so I am just going to talk about whatever the Lord puts on my mind. So let’s just go for it. 


The past three or four weeks in church, we have been going through a series that focuses on the lies we buy in our lives. There are so many things that we tell ourselves and believe that are nowhere near the truth. However we get so intertwined and focused on these lies that they feel so real. Today the sermon was about a lie that I think everyone thinks at some point or another. The lie that  : Things can’t change. It is so easy for us to take a circumstance and immediately think “well this is it”. But the reality is, Jesus changes everything. We may see a bad day as the end or for some it has been a bad couple of years. Terminal illness, loosing a job, failing a class, all of these things can leave people feeling done and like nothing is going to make it better. The reality is, the outcome is not guaranteed to change, but if we put all our faith and trust in the Lord our perspective of the circumstance in sure to change. 


I know It is so easy for me to take a difficult time and be the first to pray to God that He would take that uncomfortable feeling away. As soon as I hear hard news or realize something disappointing I often find myself calling to the Lord to change the outcome or make it better. I will pray and beg Him to heal, make better, turnaround, or switch plans but very little do I find myself praying that God would allow me to see the plan from a different angle. I’m sure I am not the only one that catches myself going strait to the problem and seeing it as one way or the highway, black and white, yes or no, when the reality is, God is in control and no matter what He will be there for you and me. 


So, instead of being so sure of an outcome or only seeing one answer to a problem, we need to be open and allow God to carry through with His PERFECT PLAN. Give Him the opportunity to change your perspective because while pain and problems are promised in life, He is still in control. I hope this makes since to all of you and I pray that it would open up some conversations between you and God. I love you so much and am here for you always. Have a great week!



May 1, 2022


Guess what???? It’s May and I’m sure you all know what that means, THE END OF SCHOOL! I literally cannot wait for summer to start. I am just ready to not have to stress anymore about grades and work. You know? Don’t get me wrong, I love the routine and people at school but believe me when I say I need a long break! LOL! Which leads me to the topic of todays check in, Testing Stress. Don’t get me wrong, I love the end of the school year but there is nothing that gets me more worried than the pressure of testing. I have never been a great test taker, I will study and know the material until the second I sit down and have the question in front of me. My mind literally goes blank. This is the reason why I kind of dread this time of the year as well. I know for a fact that I am not the only one who feels this way and that is why I want to talk about it this morning. 


Not everyone, but a lot of people today seem to get so caught up in a score or grade that we find ourselves feeling like that number is our identity. I do it and I know I am not the only one. We are so quick to compare ourselves to those around us and we loose sight of our real worth. Worth is not a number, score, or grade, worth is a measure of how much God loves you. “You are worth more than many sparrows.” Matthew 10:34. You are worthy of so much and not a drop of your self worth comes from worldly manner. Therefore the question is why? Why do we do this to ourselves? Why do we stress so much about a grade? And To be honest, I do not know the answer to that but I do know that God knows the outcome before we even have any idea of the test. God has a plan and it may not include scoring a 100%. 


Let’s be honest, it really sucks to get a grade back that isn’t what you wanted but I think we can all say that those tests that we have gotten back that are not so great have taught us something. For example, my SAT score that I talked about a few weeks ago taught me I am not always going to achieve what I want right when I want it. 


We have to sit back and let God steer us. The truth of the matter is, that score is already determined and no matter what it comes back looking like, God is not going to see you as any less. Tests are a measure of worldly attributes, characteristics and opportunities that will fade away. 1 Corinthians states that “ Thanks being to God, we already have the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Instead of being down on yourself, be proud of the things you have gained from that experience and be thankful for all God has and is doing. 


I want to end today by giving you a challenge, I want you to go into testing these next upcoming weeks and remember todays update. Before you sit down to do it, pray and thank the Lord for giving you the ability to learn and lay before Him all of the hopes and fears that you have about the outcome. Do the best you can and that is all you can ask. Rest assured knowing God is with you before, during, and after and no matter the outcome, His love for you will never change. I love you so much and I pray this would help you like it does me. Have a great week and STAY STRONG

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